Friday, February 11, 2011


One day this fall, a Gonzaga student captured our family on film as we began our sabbatical year in Florence.

Since the beiginning, Joe has loved Florence and loved that we are here together. He never forgets it.
Carla loves the slow life here, the slow food and the slow pace. She never wants to forget it.

Both Sophia and Josephine have missed friends and moving on to middle school with them. But, sometimes, they forget it.

Even though most of our days are full of ordinary moments, we never get tired of what is beautiful and special here.

Every so often, we get tired of being each others best friends in Florence or having this intense experience as a family together. 

But, usually, the unique way that we are a family here is the most special thing of all.

We won't forget being a family like we have this year,

in Florence, together.


  1. Ah Carla, this is a special time. I have such fond memories of my family's year in Paris when I was a teenager, even though it was difficult, you say it so well! Christina

  2. A very special post, Carla.......your text as well as the beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jack and I are looking at these posts for the second time - Budapest looks incredible. I wish I had visited during my year there just to see how different it is now. Hard to believe I was in Italy only one year after the communists left Hungary. Jack wants to tell J & S that he misses them. I think he feels like he knows them because we look at the blog so often.
